About AP Access for ALL

Eliminating Barriers to College Credit

Investing in Teacher Development

In April 2021, the Tennessee Department of Education launched the AP Access for ALL program, announcing that Niswonger Foundation was selected to develop and support the program.

Funded through a $10M grant from the federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSR) Fund and Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund, the AP Access for ALL program was designed to help more students earn college credit while in high school. The program provides students across the state access to AP courses virtually, ultimately eliminating financial barriers and supporting student enrollment in AP coursework not currently offered at their home high school.

Niswonger Foundation manages all aspects of the new program, including:

  • Recruiting teachers and students into the program
  • Providing professional development and training for teachers
  • Supporting the development of course curriculum
  • Offering platforms and resources for virtual students
  • Managing the AP test administration process so students can earn college credit

Vision & Mission

AP Access for All will implement a sustainable program that provides access to well-designed, engaging online Advanced Placement (AP) courses; addressing opportunity gaps that exist among underserved regions of Tennessee; and supporting the development of a statewide high school culture that values and encourages rigorous preparation for college and career readiness.

About Niswonger Online

Niswonger Online has been serving students in the state of Tennessee since 2011 and is proud to be a College Board, NCAA approved online course provider. We offer over 40 online courses in all subject areas including Advanced Placement and CTE. Our project-based, highly engaging courses are taught by Tennessee state licensed teachers and are aligned to meet all State of Tennessee standards. 

Trusted by the experts.

Niswonger Online is a College Board approved online AP course provider and an NCAA approved online supplemental program.

Purpose + Progress

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