AP Access for All Mini-Grant

AP Access for All Mini-Grant

In partnership with the Tennessee Department of Education, the Niswonger Foundation’s AP Access for ALL (APAA) program serves over 99% of all public high schools in Tennessee.  In addition to offering fully online AP Courses and training opportunities for both classroom and online teachers, the APAA program also offers mini-grants to support AP offerings within the classroom.

APAA Mini-Grant Guidelines and Information

    1. Mini-Grants can only be awarded to AP teachers.  These teachers must teach at a public high school in the state of Tennessee that is partnered with the AP Access for ALL program.
    2. Only one grant will be awarded per AP teacher.
    3. All materials are property of the school system and will not transfer with the AP teacher if employment changes.
    4. Mini-grant requests should not exceed $500.  All shipping costs must be calculated within this amount.
    5. The following items will NOT be considered for APAA Mini-Grant funding:  field trips, APSI training, food items, technology subscriptions, any long term subscription service, or any cost not supporting an AP course.
    6. All proposals will be sent through a review committee and an email response will be given within 90 days of submission.
    7. Awardees must respond to the email within 10 days to accept the award or funding could be lost.
    8. AP Teachers who are awarded an APAA Mini-Grant will receive an email from apaagrants@niswongerfoundation.org.  Please add this email address to your contact list so all communications are received.
    9. Once the Mini-Grant is accepted by the awarded AP teacher, a check will be mailed to the high school at the end of the month to the address provided.  In the event that the check must be canceled, a replacement check will be issued, and any associated banking fees WILL be deducted from the grant amount.

Application Deadlines

    1. The APAA Mini Grant Applications will be open from September 23, 2024 to March 28, 2025
    2. The application will be closed on midnight CST of March 28, 2025 or at the time all funds for this year are awarded.
    3. All committee reviews will be completed by April 14, 2025. All checks will be mailed to schools by April 25, 2025.

Media Reporting Requirements &
Follow Up Grant Surveys

    1. Grant recipients will be asked to email a photo and small write-up on the grant and how it will benefit their students. This photo and write-up will be due by May 30, 2025.
    2. Photo submissions should NOT include student faces unless written consent was given by the parent/guardian.
    3. Photo and quote will be shared with partnering schools and the TDOE through newsletters, impact reports, and social media.
    4. Grant recipients must complete a short final survey sharing the successes of the goods/services purchased and identifying the approximate number of students and teachers impacted.  The final APAA Mini Grant Survey is due Dec 13, 2025.
    5. Reminder emails for all reporting pictures and surveys will be sent out to awardees.
    6. AP teachers that fail to meet the required reporting above will not be eligible for future APAA grants.

To avoid processing delays,

carefully review all information entered on the form below.

APAA Mini-Grant Application

Only ONE Submission per AP Teacher

Submissions accepted between September 23, 2024 and March 28, 2025 only.

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Step 1 of 4
Enter Full Name of your School System
Enter Full Name of your High School
High School Address (funds will be sent to this address)
Please see the map above.