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AP Access for ALL Releases Spring 2022 Impact Report

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AP Access for ALL Releases Spring 2022 Impact Report

AP Access for ALL Releases Spring 2022 Impact Report

As we near the closing of our first year in the AP Access for ALL program, I am continually impressed by the great work of the APAA administrative team, our state partners, online teachers, school systems, and most importantly, our online students.

We are excited to share the growth in AP throughout all regions of Tennessee this year. School systems in First Tennessee, Upper Cumberland, and the Northwest averaged almost 75% of their high schools enrolling students with us, some of those students accessing AP courses for the first time. During this time, East Tennessee, the Southeast, and South Central regions averaged a 70% growth in the number of AP course offerings after integrating our courses into their class offerings. Finally, even our most populated areas of the state, Mid Cumberland and the Southwest, used this opportunity to make sure they were effectively supporting their students. These regions saw a 90% average growth of online AP enrollments from the fall semester to the spring semester!

As the data here is reviewed, we also hope close attention is paid to the teachers and students who are highlighted throughout. These quotes and pictures drive us at the Niswonger Foundation, from students speaking of their supportive teacher who lives across the state to their thoughts and gratefulness on how this new opportunity will prepare them for college. They also show how this program does not just help one type of student, or students from one type of school, but all students across the state, in schools large and small.

Again, it has been an outstanding experience to collaborate with so many individuals as they worked diligently to improve this program and allow students this opportunity. We now look ahead to the continued development and expansion of this program that gives the opportunity of Advanced Placement courses to ALL.

Gina Pavlovich Ed.D.
Director, AP Access for ALL

AP Access for ALL Spring 2022 Impact Report

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Department Contact Info

Bachelor Of Science in Business Administration

1810 Campus Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011-8246


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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