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Celebrating the First Year of AP Access for ALL

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Celebrating the First Year of AP Access for ALL

Celebrating the First Year of AP Access for ALL

As the AP Access for ALL program heads into its second year of providing free, online college prep classes to Tennessee high school students, school districts are celebrating the results.

With 90% of Tennessee school districts signed up to enroll students in AP classes through the program, more students than ever before now have access to rigorous, college-preparatory coursework in Tennessee. In the 2021-2022 school year, forty-two schools enrolled students who previously did not have access to AP classes.

In the 2022 Annual Impact Report, you will find that 56% of students achieved scores considered by the College Board to be “college ready” or better. An analysis showed students saved an estimated $454,000 through AP Access for ALL in potential college fees by allowing them to earn college credit and skip introductory classes.

“The first year of AP Access for ALL has been more successful than I could have hoped for,” said AP Access for ALL Director Dr. Gina Pavlovich. “We have met or exceeded our goals and provided thousands of students with access to rigorous, college-level coursework who previously did not have such opportunities. It has been such a pleasure working with schools, teachers, and students from across the state. I continue to be inspired by the devoted work and support from our TDOE partners, our APAA team, school districts, and most importantly, the untiring dedication and hard work of online teachers and students.”

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Department Contact Info

Bachelor Of Science in Business Administration

1810 Campus Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011-8246


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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