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WJLE: DeKalb County High School AP program highlighted

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WJLE: DeKalb County High School AP program highlighted

WJLE: DeKalb County High School AP program highlighted

The DeKalb County High School AP (Advanced Placement) program was recently highlighted in the AP state newsletter.

That published report is as follows:

“AP (Advanced Placement) Access for ALL is excited to spotlight DeKalb County High School in Smithville, Tennessee for its ingenuity and dedication to bringing AP courses to its students.

In DeKalb County High School’s second year of AP Access for ALL (APAA), more than 50 students are enrolled in and passing APAA courses, up from three students in APAA’s inaugural year.

“This is a great opportunity for students to advance their coursework,” Tara Mooneyham, Site Coordinator for Online Learning at DeKalb County High School. “We don’t offer AP courses in-house, so any AP courses they take are through APAA. These online courses allow students to get a better sense of how it might be in college.”


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